Oh what a wasted trip! We went to the orchard today to pick peaches, but alas, the peaches were long gone! Sadly the apples aren't quite ripe yet, so nothing for today.
The orchard we frequent is a beautiful place. Above, you can see the pond at the entrance with all the beautiful lotus flowers in bloom, and the resident doggie...
The very top picture is the view from their "store". I use that term lightly, they sell cider and apple doughnuts, and flowers, but it's also got a table tennis setup, and they do some of their work there too.
The layout of the orchard is so easy to follow too, each type of apple has it's own spot, and peaches are at the end, and there are wild berries to pick too. It's a great place to spend an afternoon. The kids run wild, shaking trees to get the fruit to fall, and they eat twice as much as they collect to bring home!
So, if you're ever in the area, give Little Tree Orchards a looksee. The people are friendly, and the fruit is delicious! And your kids will sleep well that night!
And as usual,
Thanks for noticing me!