I have become a You Tube addict. I used to love the Saturday morning Schoolhouse Rock shorts. Does anyone remember what the one for "ly" was called? *singing* "careful~ ly" I can't remember, and I can't find it. I found "Interplanet Janet" which I used to love, Interplanet Janet, she's a galaxy girl..... (:
SO, I'm working on 2 projects, one of which was *NOT* in the closet, *sigh*. But it does seem that it'll be one to set the crocheting world to scratching it's head. I went from not being able to read a pattern 5 years ago, to designing and writing my own pattern today.
Yeah, I'm a bit random today.
I couldn't wait for spring, so I started cleaning today. Now the part of the house that always seems so dark and dreary, is all sparkly and dust free! I went through all my DVDs and VHSs made a list of the VHS movies I thought I'd watch if they were on disc instead, and hauled most of them away. Now I just need to find those movies. I think I should be worried about my entertainment choices. There seems to be a lot of Action/ Comedy flicks, and scifi, (not that _that's_ a problem) But really? Not ONE drama. No so-called "Chick flicks" I don't even own "Titanic".
To make up for the lack of pictures, and indeed, lack of coherency, I give you the catalyst for my You Tube addiction...
Mona is a bit bullied, so that's why she freaks there, and you can just see her face... "That's it. I'm *done*!" (:
As usual folks,
Thanks for Noticing me!