Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Not nearly right.

Enough personal crap~ Let's hear some funny/ disturbing stories!

This is a customer I've had both as the gas station attendant, and at the store;
She's a regular, and terribly short of sight...
As I've mentioned, in order for me to help a customer not scanning their own groceries, I need to take control of one of the 4 u-scan registers. If they're all being used, I need to wait for one to be free before I can take care of said customer. This doesn't always go over well.
She came over one day with bottle return slips to be turned in for cash, and it was really busy. All the registers were being used, and I had lines, *and* there were two other people wanting my attention. When she walked over, I had to tell her that it would be a few minutes before I could help her. She *screamed* at me, "This is *FUC*ING* ridiculous!!!!!" and stormed off to wait in the *longer* line at the customer service desk.
That is not the funny, or scary part.
The next day, I was scheduled for the gas station, and guess who came wandering in. (This is not the scary part) I smiled, asked her how she was this gray and ugly day, and she smiled back, "Just fine thanks. I need $10 on pump three please." and proceeded to count out 10 singles, very slowly, holding her roll of bills *right up to her glasses*!! It appeared she had no memory of being an A #1 bitch to me the day before. (Here comes the scary part)
I lost sight of what was going on for a few minutes, helping other customers, and when I glanced back up to the monitor, she was GETTING INTO THE DRIVERS SEAT!!!

I frequently fear for my life on the road, simply because I have met, up close and personal, the people the DMV gives licenses to.

The man who twitches and blinks so that his eyes are closed more than they're open... The woman that can't see the numbers on her cash unless it's 5 centimeters from her eyes... I fear.

I fear mightily! As usual folks...

Thanks for Noticing me!