Holy Hells!
For those that say this is the happiest season of the year, you obviously don't work retail!
Rude, stupid, lazy, people abound this time of year, and they take it out on us!
Newsflash; the machine does NOT work simply because you are standing in front of it! If you're in a rush, and you've never used the self check out before, go to a regular check out line and don't think simply because I have 4 registers you'll get out faster.
It's called a _self_ check out, not a carry your stuff over and demand I "help" you by doing it all for you!
When you ask me a question, LISTEN to the answer, and if I tell you to push the green button, tell me if you're color blind! (Not that anyone _has_ been yet... but...) I will never understand why you need to have your finger hover between the red and green buttons when I say "push the green button" 5 times!
I. Am. Not. A. Mind reader! If you have a question, you need to ask it out loud. If my monitor does not register a problem, then I don't know there's a problem on your end.
The register gives you instructions in a slow, measured tone, and _shows_ you on a monitor how to work it. LISTEN! LOOK! Don't rush ahead of the computer, then stand there looking when it won't continue, and yell at me to make it work.
It's a monitor, a glass screen! Pushing harder on it won't make the icon work any better. Tap the screen. No matter how long you hold your finger there, or how hard you push, if it didn't register the first touch, it isn't going to change!
If your child is running around, and leaning where the bags are... That's why it won't let you scan the next item, it's a computer, it can't see that there's a kid there, and thinks you are placing an un-scanned item on the _scale_ , yes, it's a scale.
When it tells you to "Place the item in the bag" It will not go any further until you do so! When you place your purse on the bag scale, it thinks you're stealing, trying to put something un-scanned in the bag.
And now that I have unloaded on you, my poor reader, and consumed mass quantities of dove chocolates, I feel _so_ much better!
Remember next time you're shopping, your cashier is as frustrated as you are by the failabilities of the stupid computer. And we probably want to be there as much as you. When we smile at you and say "Hi", please pretend you're in a pleasant mood and smile back. You never know, it just might be a small bright spot in your day instead of another tedious chore.
As usual,
Thanks for Noticing me!