I can never seem to get the picture layout quite right!
Oh well. I hope you all had an awesome Thanksgiving day! We started with cheese and crackers, and a relish tray (pickles and olives) around noon.
We set such a pretty table....
The bird was _beautiful_! (Thanks mom!) and then the rest of the food was served up, FEAST!
Left us all feeling like fat happy cats!
A few things I'm thankful for this year...
My healthy, beautiful, children...
My near and far family and friends...
facebook, because it reconnected me with people I once loved, and now love again, those I never got the chance to know before, new friends to stay in touch with, and old and dear friends that we don't get to see as often as we like...
Even though it's crappy, I still have a job...
My girls, that keep my spirits up, and bring smiles every day of my life...
The roof over my head, the food in my fridge, and the fact that in just a few short weeks, the holiday season will be over and the madness can end!
Count your blessings everyday, and as usual,
Thanks for Noticing me!
And as I came to check this post, "Time of your Life" was playing on here! Just so appropriate!