Old people shouldn't drive. I wish I could remember this guy *before* I see him start to drive away, because by then it's too late. Our driveway at work has 2 lanes in, and 2 out, with a planted median separating them. Every time this man leaves, (and I can't hazard a guess as to how old he is, other than "dirt") he crosses past the "out", and drives down the one way "in", he then waits for the light to turn RED before going out onto the highway! I always watch with horror as I dial 911.
Contrariwise, I have another customer that is in his 90's, and I'd drive with him any day.
Now for being glad my mom doesn't read this.
She's been terrorizing us for years. It's gotten worse. Now instead of just stopping for green lights, she stops where there's NO light, or even sign, "Just in case". In case what?!?! In case you want to be rear ended?!?! And "Oh look!" As the car drifts in whichever direction she's looking in. Or nearly driving off the road because a car is coming in the other direction, *in its own lane*!
And really, there's no age in particular when one should stop driving, but when you scare your passengers, or onlookers *every time* you drive? It's time to quit!
And by the way...
Be careful on those roads folks! And as usual...
Thanks for noticing me!
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