Thursday, March 1, 2012

In like a lion...

We had *rockin'* thunder and lightning here last night!   Can that count as our "In like a lion" and just count the rest of the month as "lamb"?  Really, it's been so mild up here this winter, that I'm still waiting for the shoe to drop. I won't feel safe until June!
 I know it looks like a rock, but that's the back end of a muskrat. (:  It lives under the big stump next to our creek, and he's been out and about a lot the past few weeks.  Does that make it spring?

I've done it again.  I'm such a procrastinator!  I think I may need to simplify my life, but I don't really know where it could be any simpler.  Sometimes I think I may actually be the reason my kids have ADHD, because I think I might have it.... But it isn't genetic from me... I was tested. (:

I know there are things to do, but as soon as I remember it has to be done, I get lost in something else and forget all about the other.  The terribly important things get done, but things like cleaning the bathroom, or vacuuming my bedroom, get lost in the "I can do that in a little bit, let me just do this first." part of the ether.  Or "I need to have this first, before I can do that." and then I forget to get the needed thing for the wanted chore.

And I'm SO bad about pictures... I have a bunch I got off the card, and haven't done anything with, and a bunch back on the card that I haven't uploaded yet, and a bad track record for even finding things to photograph in the first place!  In my defense, I don't really go out unless I have to, and, I need a new camera. Mine is starting to be fuzzy, no matter how I try to focus.  But the one I want is several hundred dollars, and I can't justify paying that for a toy, I just *can't*!  I look at it in the store, and pick it up and play, and then sigh and put it back.

Got any favorite distractions?  Well, as usual,

Thanks for Noticing me!

1 comment:

  1. :) I hear ya on the I can do this then that part. I am always so distracted LOL
