Saturday, October 13, 2012


I love this picture, it encompasses all the Elements... Earth, Air, Fire (sunlight), Water, and Love.

I'm not someone that is often vocal about my religious beliefs, I believe they are more personal than your sex life, (because, be honest, you enjoy bragging or complaining about that! lol)  
But this election season has brought up a major issue for me.  And that is mixing religion and government.  No matter what your personal beliefs are, what right do you have to tell me what I do is wrong because it doesn't mesh with your religious beliefs? I'm trying to keep this very general, because I know lots of people have lots of opinions, and beliefs on this score..

Let's be honest here, it's my blog, so I can say what I want, right? And hopefully we can agree to disagree, so I'm going to get specific on a point here.

Politicians want to legislate female reproductive care.  I've been having a friendly, spirited debate with an old high school friend on this point, because he believes that my body isn't mine, it's Gods' and I don't have the right to do with it as I please.  A point I have yet to make with him is "If  it's Gods', what right does the government have to say what happens to it?"  But the point I made was how come I should have to bear the consequences of what happens to it?  He believes if I'm raped, it isn't the "childs" fault, my point was, it's not a child.  Until it can survive on its' own, the thing growing in me is a parasitical mass, and as such should be subject to the whims of the host.  He thinks nothing of the fact that the government can say what I can legally do with the body I have, but that if the government suddenly mandated vasectomies, (therefore rendering any abortion other than one that threatens the mothers life completely unnecessary) it would be like withholding gas for cars.  Sure we wouldn't have vehicular manslaughter anymore, but how would we get along? How would we procreate and bring about new generations?  Ummm, vasectomies are reversible, therefore you could petition to get your right to get your wife pregnant.
Isn't this the flip side of his argument?

This is my favorite saying lately...
  A bad argument about protecting rights

Let's face this truth, choosing the care I receive for my body, is my *right*!

And as usual...
Thanks for noticing me!

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